NOTICE OF NON-DISCRIMINATORY POLICY It is the policy of New Hope Vision Academy, which is operated by New Hope Vision Center not to discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, or physical or mental disability, which are unrelated to the ability to work or enjoy the benefits of the school’s programs, facilities or services. All persons are encouraged to apply.
Note: No aftercare is available Note: On campus students must bring their own lunch at this time and lunch will be eaten in classroom. Application is hereby made to New Hope Vision Academy for the student named. If accepted,we agree to abide by the rules and regulations of New Hope Vision Academy. Students will be considered for admission only after all required materials are submitted. The Head of School will make a determination about admission and placement after considering the completed application packet as well as the applicant’s own desire and motivation to achieve academic success at New Hope Vision Academy either virtual or on campus. If accepted an email of acceptance will be sent to you for a phone interview along with other documents that will be needed, additional fee requirement for workbook, computer lab and supply list.