About Us

New Hope Vision Academy is a private school that exist to provide quality education for the total development of each child to help them reach their full potential and goals in life.


Dr. Stanley Searcy, Sr. Dean

Dr. Brenda Searcy, Director of Education/Principal

G.Alexander-Muhammad, Administrator

Shirley Graham, Counselor



New Hope Vision Academy’s (NHVA) Mission is to educate children through a Christian-based Education that is centered on the Principles of the Kingdom of God. This will be accomplished through having an environment where teachers can teach and students can learn with a combination of Christian Teachers, and aggressive academic curriculum, and parents who choose for their family and their children to be exposed to an environment of love and discipline.


                                      At NHVA “None of us are great until all of us are great”.


Our VISION as a New Hope Vision Academy is to develop, encourage, and support the spiritual, intellectual, appreciative, emotional, mental, social, and physical growth of each of our students.

Our vision is fulfilled through educators that will convey to students:

  • Kingdom Principals
  • Spiritual attitudes and virtues
  • Academic skills necessary to be productive citizens
  • The ability to adapt to change
  • An openness to progressive techniques
  • The development of inquiring minds and critical thinking skills
  • A reverence for themselves as well as for all.


As a Faith-based independent educational school, we support the teaching of the Holy Bible. It is the function of the New Hope Vision Academy to complement, to reinforce, and to extend Kingdom Principles development that begins within the home:

  1. Through communication between home and school regarding the progress of students and the expectation of parents and school;
  2. Through staff awareness of the obligation to remain abreast of current trends in education;
  3. Through challenges which encourage students to continue their development beyond the boundaries of home and school; and
  4. Through opportunities for parents’ continuing education.

New Hope Vision Academy’s first responsibility is to be an expression of a Kingdom Principles’ community in which we strive to love one another. Therefore, each member of the New Hope Vision

New Hope The Vision Center