Meet Our Co-Pastor

Brenda A. Searcy, a native of Natchez, Mississippi has committed her life to serving others and helping her husband Bishop Dr. Stanley B. Searcy, Sr. fulfill the vision and mission God has given him in every aspect of their daily lives. She is Co-founder and Co-Pastor of New Hope: The Vision Center in Natchez, Mississippi and an ordained minister and teacher of the Gospel.

She along with her husband began ministry in 1993 through cell groups, going house to house bringing hope and a new beginning to many hurting people. In 1994, after moving back from Mobile, Alabama, they started bible studies in the Natchez, Fayette, and Vicksburg, Mississippi areas. In 1995 until 1998 she aided her husband in hosting the first live radio broadcast called, ‘A Voice Crying in the Wilderness’ on WTYJ-97.7 in Natchez, MS.

Co-pastor Searcy is founder and director of Women in Transformation Ministry. A ministry of New Hope: The Vision Center gear toward helping women to manifest and walk in the success of what has already taken place in their spirit through salvation in their daily lifestyle, in other words for them to fully realize the importance of becoming who they really are and receiving all that God has for them according to His Word. She states that we must allow our minds to be renewed through the Word of God, believe, do and speak what it says about us; as we do we are being transformed every moment of our lives and we can only go to greater heights in God. 1 John 3:2 tells us that it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is.

She has a vision to establish programs and work with existing curriculums that are committed to transforming the lives of women in the local church, community, and world. The first Women’s Conference was held in February of 1998 with the theme, ‘Arise My Queen!’ Women in Transformation Conference is now held annually on the last week of July, continuing to change and transform the lives of many women around the globe.

Co-Pastor Searcy has a degree in Crisis Counseling, she has an Associated of Arts in Biblical Studies, and has been nominated for the Most Caring Woman Award.

Co-Pastor Searcy has a determination to serve God with every ounce of strength, accomplish everything God has assigned her to do and receive all that He has for her on this side of heaven. She recognizes the fact that without him, she can do absolutely nothing!!!

New Hope The Vision Center